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July 30, 2024

How Much to Water? "It Depends."

Recently at a meeting with our attorney, I became frustrated. Every question I asked was answered by him saying, “It depends.”  We’re paying him for guidance, not to hear him say “It depends.”

It must have rubbed off on me because later that day when I was asked by a homeowner about how he should water his new plants, I heard “It depends” come from my own lips.  But it’s true.  Has it been hot? Dry? Has it rained for days on end? What specific plant are we talking about? Is it a thirsty hydrangea or a drought-tolerant grass? It depends.

Here’s my best advice: use a trowel to brush back the mulch about a foot away from a shrub, further out for a large tree. Touch the soil. If it’s damp, you’re fine.  If it’s soggy, don’t water, but if it’s dry, please water.  There’s a right way and a wrong way, and a right time of day, too.  If you’re not sure, give us a call.