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August 13, 2024

Red or Green? Why Local Knowledge is Important.

“Red or green?” asked our waitress.  We were confused by her question, and it must have showed on our faces. She clarified the question for us non-locals, “Do you like red or green peppers?”  Since it was our first visit to New Mexico, I assumed this was a local thing to see if we were on Team Red Peppers or Team Green Peppers. “Red” was my answer.  To my surprise, our breakfast pancakes were served with red peppers mixed in the batter.  Who knew? Here’s where local knowledge makes the difference between yummy pancakes as we know them, and pancakes filled with hot red peppers. They put peppers in everything.  “No peppers please” seems like it’s not an option. Who knew?

When designing gardens and choosing plants, the internet is ok, but it’s no replacement for local knowledge.  Our experts live and work in this town. We know the soil types, the areas with deer problems, the microclimate differences from Lake Ontario to the Finger Lakes. Take it from someone who loves a good pancake, local knowledge matters.